IUCN Awards

The IUCN Congress provides an ideal platform to celebrate and recognise the work of some remarkable individuals who have made significant contributions to the conservation of nature.

Three prestigious awards are presented to deserving recipients during a ceremony that takes place during the Members’ Assembly:

  • The John C. Phillips Memorial Medal is awarded to an individual for their outstanding service in international conservation;
  • The Harold Jefferson Coolidge Memorial Medal is awarded to a conservation professional who has made outstanding contributions to the conservation of nature and natural resources; and
  • Honorary Membership, awarded once every four years at the IUCN World Conservation Congress to recognise outstanding services to the conservation of nature and natural resources and exceptional contributions to furthering the goals of the Union. The award consists of a certificate and a citation and past recipients can be found here.


Wolfgang Burhenne receiving the Harold Jefferson Coolidge Memorial Medal
Wolfgang Burhenne receiving the Harold Jefferson Coolidge Memorial Medal
Sir David Attenborough receiving the John C. Phillips Memorial Medal
Sir David Attenborough receiving the John C. Phillips Memorial Medal